Let’s brush off the dust shall we and not sugar coat the fact I disappeared for 2 years. If you don’t want to read the good stuff, look for the bold sentence and start there. There’s been a lot going on that hasn’t been fair, favorable, or good news. There have been a few bits of happiness in the dark times though and I’ll start there. To be said, I have started to collect dark furred animals. TC passed away from cancer in 2021 and the day we buried him, a long haired black cat started hanging around the house. We flirted around with each other for a few months until we decided to bring her in just before Halloween. (I will save the reasons for those who know.)
Her name is Siren and she is as loud as one. The gorgeous diva has settled in and seems to enjoy having the run of the house. (If there are terrible typos, she’s walking on the keyboard and decided to leave her additions in.) About 6 months after that in 2022, we came home at twilight to see a dark figure under Dad’s white car. We figured it was a local cat, also black, that we feed. We called to him and he didn’t respond or move. We got worried and when I turned the corner around the car, there was a giant puff ball chewing on the clover in the driveway. I was shocked to realize someone let loose a domesticated rabbit in a horrible neighborhood. After an hour of me running with my head lower than my rear, I caught the black puff ball. We decided to call her Leslie. At the time we had no idea if she was a male or a female and given the hilarity of the capture, we figured Leslie fit. (See Leslie Nielsen on IMDb.) df?”$%”..8 Leslie has settled in and the area we have created for her is her own. She has only escaped once and hated it. She is indifferent to Siren as long as Siren leaves her alone. As of Feb. 2023, we have adopted another cat from a friend. He is white and black and named Timmy. I call him Sir Timmy. He’s acclimating well to his new surroundings and doesn’t bother Leslie either. Siren has already whooped up on him. When she’s around him, she grooms him a little. It’s baby steps, but its strides towards them getting along. Now for the reason of this post… As some of you know, I have an art studio that moved from one of the haunted buildings in down town to an old machine shop/cotton exchange. The building seems pretty happy to have us there and I have never once felt like I was in danger from human or supernatural. We had a resident that started to change in the worst ways possible. Everyone was her employee that she harassed night and day regardless of whether they had a full time job or were enjoying retirement. I eventually wound up blocking her. Before I blocked her across every platform imaginable, I was harassed left and right about things other people had done that I got blamed for. It tore on my nerves and my boss didn’t like it either because it was horrible distraction from what I was actually getting paid for. (Volunteer work doesn’t pay the bills sometimes.) I started to feel drained. Everything I was involved with started to loose its luster and I started dropping the ball on a lot of things. About a year or so later, another artist joined our ranks against my better judgement. The two of them were thick as thieves. For story perspective, I’ll name one Naggy Gran and the other Annoying Nana. Naggy Gran still wouldn’t admit fault on a lot of her issues and I was still taking the blame for it. Annoying Nana had already accused me of theft at the other art place and I wanted to stay far from her as possible. Both of them had the habit of blaming other’s for their actions and since I am less than half their ages, I didn’t want to deal with their issues. Annoying Nana had the habit of walking off with people’s artwork and saying “I’ll get it later.” Sometimes she would and sometimes she would say it was a gift from the artist to her which later became a lie. With her addition to the group, a black figure started wandering the place. He would always show up day or night out of the corner of your eye. When you would turn your head to look, he wouldn’t be there. No one would be there. I would go back to my studio and close the door. I had to put up a curtain to keep the feeling of being watched from gaslighting me. Naggy Gran had the habit of making everything about her. We had to listen to “grand” stories of her past when she was younger and they were all repetitive in some form. A few times when she would exhale, a green mist would leave her body and she would suck it back in. Needless to say, the combination of them both drained me of my artistic abilities and I stayed tired all the time. They have recently moved out. I have started to get my creativity back and it feels wonderful to feel whole again. Both of them combined left a couple of us feeling as if there were vacuous voids inside of us and we were incomplete. With them gone, we’re getting back on track with our various arts and hobbies that were siphoned from us for a few years. I’m not sure if one or both of them have an attachment. I’m not sure if Annoying Nana knows she has a black mass that followed her, he has since stayed in the building. We’ve smudged with sage and dragon’s blood and made the whole place smell just to try and get rid of him. He seems more solid than he use to. Maybe he’s free from her. Naggy Gran I feel has invited her vampiric ways from something she’s done. She seemed to get these grand ideas out of the blue that turned out to be from other people. She was suctioning their ideas from them and they were so tired to even say a word otherwise.] To be honest, the Hell they’ve put us through makes me wish they continue to stay away. I don’t wish them well, I just wish their next victims the wisdom to see what’s going on early. When you’re the only one to see something long before everyone else is a lonely place to be. If you have someone like that in your life, it might not always be supernatural. Human toxicity exists all on its own. See the signs and save yourself the agony down the road. Not always keeping your enemies close is in your best interested physically and mentally. Seek help if you need to.
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Author34 years of life below the Mason Dixon line leads to a lot of stories of old and new. Archives
March 2023